Castel Sant'Angelo Entry Ticket + Audio Guide | Vox City

Castel Sant'Angelo Entry Ticket & Audio Guide

With this ticket, discover the historic Castel Sant’Angelo, with reserved entry and an audio guide.

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Before entering the venue, you must redeem your voucher with the Touristation staff in front of the entrance at Castel Sant’Angelo. Further instructions can be found on your voucher.

What you get: 

Entry Ticket to Castel Sant’Angelo
Self-guided audio tour 
Assistance at the Meeting Point (Touristation)
Hosted Entry


What you don’t get:

Guided Tour 
Food & Drinks

Important details to understand before starting your tour:

 Before your visit, you must redeem your voucher with the Touristation staff in front of the entrance at Castel Sant’Angelo. The staff will be in ‘Touristation’ uniform with an orange umbrella.
Please select a time slot when booking: 09:00, 11:00, 15:00 (1st February - 26th March, 31st October - 31st December), 09:00, 11:00, 16:30 (27th March - 30th October)
You must report at the Meeting Point at least 10 minutes before your selected time slot. 
This visit lasts approximately 1 hour.
Comfortable shoes are recommended.

How to redeem my voucher of Castel Sant'Angelo Entry Ticket & Audio Guide?

Before your visit, you must redeem your voucher with the Touristation staff in front of the entrance at Castel Sant’Angelo. The staff will be in ‘Touristation’ uniform with an orange umbrella.

How long the visit of Castel Sant’Angelo will last?

 The visit will last for about 1 hour.

Do I have to reach the meeting point prior from entering?

You must report at the Meeting Point at least 10 minutes before your selected time-slot.

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