Marsiglia: Biglietto d'ingresso per la Grotta Cosquer con audioguida
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Marsiglia: Biglietto d'ingresso per la Grotta Cosquer con audioguida


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I visitatori possono recarsi direttamente all'ingresso della Grotta Cosquer, situato in Promenade Robert Laffont, Esp. J4.

Cosa ottieni: 

Biglietto d'ingresso alla Grotta Cosquer
Visita guidata audio, disponibile in francese, inglese, tedesco, olandese, spagnolo e italiano
App per il turismo disponibile solo in inglese, include tour a piedi autoguidato
Biglietto mobile accettato

Cosa non ottieni:

Visita guidata

Accedi mostrando i tuoi e-biglietti sul tuo dispositivo mobile al personale del museo.
Gli e-biglietti saranno disponibili per il download immediato dopo la conferma della prenotazione, scansionando il codice QR o cliccando il link sul tuo voucher.
I visitatori possono recarsi direttamente all'ingresso della Grotta Cosquer, situato in Promenade Robert Laffont, Esp. J4.
La Grotta Cosquer è aperta da lunedì a venerdì dalle 9:30 alle 18:00, sabato e domenica dalle 9:30 alle 19:30. Gli orari speciali di apertura a luglio e agosto sono ogni giorno dalle 9:00 alle 20:30.
La guida audio all'interno della Grotta Cosquer è disponibile in francese, inglese, tedesco, olandese, spagnolo e italiano. L'app per il turismo è disponibile solo in inglese.

Devo stampare il mio voucher per la Grotta Cosquer?

Puoi scansionare il tuo e-voucher dal tuo dispositivo mobile all'ingresso della Grotta Cosquer.

Quanto tempo, in media, trascorrono i visitatori alla Grotta Cosquer?

I visitatori trascorrono circa 2 ore nel museo.

Valutato da cittadini Vox.

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Sarah Smith


Visiting Cosquer Cave is something that I will never forget! Audio guides add life to ancient cave paintings, and there is amazing information about early human life. Walking along the floating walkway above the sea is like shifting back in time. It definitely should be on the list of those interested in history and archaeology.

Josh Mickeal


I was really impressed by the tour of Cosquer Cave. It was an adventure to take a ride in a recreated cave in an exploratory vehicle

Aaron Alex


Audio guides were available in several languages. My favourite place was the Mediterranean Gallery, where the elegant display of the context of the prehistoric period is prepared with such respect that no damage takes place to any carvings or paintings

Jenna Claus


If you ever visit Marseille, do not miss the Cosquer Cave. It's not only a tour-it's a journey in time. The floating walkway and the audio narration made it really informative as well as entertaining. We could even use the Vox City sightseeing app on our own after the tour in Marseille.

Ruth Milton


The Vox City tour to Cosquer Cave was informative and interesting. So many facts about the art in caves and the history of discovery were packed into the audio guide that it was just overflowing. It was a very well-organized and enlightening experience.

Noah Wale


I fell in love with each minute of my visit to Cosquer Cave. The audio guide was enlightening about the history of the cave and its artwork. The exploratory vehicle made the experience thrilling too. The recreation at the cave is so meticulously done and what it was like in the world long ago seen at the gallery was superb.

Betty Judith


The Cosquer Cave is just one of the gems in Marseille. The tour turned out not just to be informative, but visually breathtaking as well. The audio tour, available in many languages, helped every visitor to become more knowledgeable and appreciate the historical aspects. And to end the day on a perfect note was the Vox City app for an independent city tour.

Davis Aaric


I was amazed by the vivid history and the impressive visual reconstruction of the Cosquer Cave. As I floated through the walkway, navigated the exploratory vehicle, and listened to a minute-by-minute audio guide, it felt more like an actual adventure into the past. It is an exemplary way of experiencing history with early humans. Highly recommended for a deep dive into prehistory!

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